Anglo-Ukrainian Society (AUS) [Англо-Українське Товариство] – an organisation which brought together individuals from British society with an interest in Ukraine and individuals from the Ukrainian community in the UK.

The AUS was formed at an inaugural general meeting held on 24 April 1953 in London. Its aims included promoting friendship between the British and Ukrainian people, representing the interests of Ukrainians vis-à-vis the British authorities, and disseminating information about Ukraine and Ukrainians among the British public. The Society had branches in London and several other towns and cities in the UK, including Bolton, Bradford, Bury, Coventry, Enfield and Waltham Cross, Manchester, Nottingham, Oldham, Rochdale, and Todmorden.
The Society’s governing body was its Executive Council, comprising the AUS executive officers (chair, vice-chairs, general secretary, honorary treasurer), a representative from each branch, and additional members. Until 1967 the Society also had a president, vice-presidents and patrons, consisting mostly of British members of the upper classes and politicians. Initially, the Ukrainian members of the Society and its executive council were drawn mainly from the UK Representation of the Ukrainian National Council and the Federation of Ukrainians in Great Britain, which were the main initiators of the formation of the Society from the Ukrainian side. Members of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain subsequently joined the Society and, from 1957, were elected to the executive council. In 1959 the combined membership of the AUS branches was close to 700.
The activities of the Society and its branches included maintaining contacts with British political figures, lectures and round table discussions, and cultural and social events, such as a recital of Ukrainian poetry in English translation (1958), a reception in honour of the prime minister of Canada, John Diefenbaker, during his visit to London (1960), and a celebration of the 15th anniversary of the settlement of Ukrainians in Great Britain (1962). In the 1950s and 1960s the Society campaigned for the introduction of Ukrainian-language broadcasts by the BBC World Service, and in April 1956 it took part in protests by Ukrainians against the visit of Soviet leaders Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Bulganin to the UK. For a short time after its formation the AUS produced a newsletter which was disseminated among the Society’s members and other prominent figures in British society. From 1961 to 1972 it published 35 issues of an English-language newspaper entitled Anglo-Ukrainian News (initially A.U.S. News), which covered events in Ukraine, Ukrainian community activities in Britain and other countries, and topics relating to Ukraine’s history and culture.
Differences of opinion within the AUS led to the formation, in 1967, of The Mazepa Society, a separate organisation with similar objectives to which a significant number of the early AUS members transferred. The AUS continued to be active until 1984, albeit on a smaller scale than previously.
The presidents of the AUS were the Countess of Eldon (1953-1954) and Lady Hesketh (1954-1967). The Society was chaired by: William Teeling (Irish writer, Conservative member of the UK Parliament; 1953-1954), Sir Compton Mackenzie (Scottish writer; 1954-1960), Auberon Herbert (supporter of eastern European causes; 1960-1966), Robert William Vanston (1966-1984). Until 1962 the following served as secretaries: F. Anderson, J. B. Sandilands, Susan Oparenko, S. A. Phillips, Dmytro Bartkiw, Victor Swoboda, Volodymyr Mykula, Vera Rich, and Michael Tarnawsky-Hamilton. From 1962 to 1982 the secretary was John Graham.
Photo (O. Lenkivska): Members of the AUS host the prime minister of Canada John Diefenbaker (front row, second from right) in London, 1960. Next to him - Lady Hesketh.
Herbert, A., ‘Meta i zavdannia “Anhlo-ukrainskoho tovarystva”’, Suchasna Ukraina (Munich), 21 February 1954, p. 10
Rich, V., ‘Report on the Activities of the Anglo-Ukrainian Society’, Ukrainian Review ( London), 1959, no. 4 (Winter), pp. 89-90
‘Anhlo-Ukrainske Tovarystvo: Zvernennia’, Ukrainska Dumka (London), 12 April 1962, p. 2
Tarnawsky, M. H., ‘V 10-littia Anhlo-Ukrainskoho Tovarystva’, Ukrainske Slovo (Paris), 17 November 1963, p. 3